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Common mistakes to avoid on storage auctions in South Africa

June 02, 2022
Bidding on storage auctions in South Africa using iBidOnStorage is not very complicated, novices must understand the steps required to have the best chance of finding a hidden treasure or a valuable unit.

Introducing The Bidding Tool that Bids on Your Behalf

November 09, 2021
iBidMANAGER gives Buyers the option of entering their Maximum Bid amount on a particular unit and having `the system` place bids on their behalf, automatically

Why do Self-Storage Facilities Hold Online Auctions?

November 04, 2021
Storage auctions seem to be everywhere online today. Their popularity rose years ago, and shows no sign of slowing down. But where do these auctions come from? Why do storage facilities auction off the contents of storage units in the first place?

How Do Storage Auctions work in South Africa?

February 02, 2021
How do storage auctions in South Africa work? Is it better to engage in online storage auctions or live, in-person auctions? We cover what you need to know here!
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